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Finding Solid Ground (Happy Feet + Healthy Ankles)

Our theme this month at It's All Yoga is Finding Solid Ground.

Come to the Theme Lab, give your feet some TLC, and take your health to new heights (pun intended!).

We are exploring the health of our physical feet with ALL my favorite party tricks for keeping the feet pliable, strong and responsive.

Not surprisingly, foot pain and mobility-related issues are reported as the number one complaint as people age.

Foot health affects your:

  • posture

  • breathing

  • alignment and pain in misalignment of knees, hips, pelvis, spine, shoulders and head

  • mental and emotional wellness, especially if you feel unsteady and worry about falling

  • balance

  • mobility and enjoyment of activities

Metaphorically speaking, your feet are your primary contact with the earth: your sense of being connected and grounded, a feeling of steadiness and stability, the awareness of "being where you are," present and whole.

When that connection is unstable, painful, or out of alignment, then it makes sense that our experience of grounding, steadiness and presence would be compromised or ruptured as well.

We are also playing with what it's like to feel steady, what helps you feel steady, and how to feel steady even when things around you are not.

Foot month is always a member favorite. This year I am opening up our monthly Theme Lab for anyone to come!

If you have foot issues, want to improve your balance, or want to feel more grounded going forward, this is for you.

January 20, 9 - 10:30 am PT; $40
Virtual, join from anywhere
Recording sent to you

September 24

Increase your class numbers: 8 week series

February 3

Give Yourself a Hand